On 12/30/2016 07:05 PM, Wildman via Python-list wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 23:39:43 +0000, Erik wrote:
>> On 30/12/16 23:34, einstein1...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> You are also confusing me.
>>> But there mustbe  some reason.
>>> What happens if your student questions you like this.?
>>> And may be those who questions like this will surely be the developer of 
>>> its successor language.
>>> Because out of thousands, only one may asks this, whom you all will 
>>> consider fool, but he's the only genius
>> Do not feed the troll.
>> E.
> Please explain how what I said is trolling.  Perhaps it was a little
> snide but I tend to get that way when trying to explain the obvious.

Hmm. I thought he was referring to einstein1410...  It was his message
he was replying to, not yours, and I took it as a request to the rest of
us (sorry, Erik--couldn't resist posting).


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