On 12/30/2016 06:46 PM, eryk sun wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 7:49 PM, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there a special reason bourne shell uses $ and #?
> To me, "$"  is for the [$]tandard shell prompt, and "#" noticeably
> distinguishes root shells.

Yes of course. You missed my point completely.  These prompts have
meaning only because they were picked arbitrarily.  Bourne shell could
well have used # for user prompt and $ for the root prompt.

>> Coming from an old DOS background (>) I found that rather jarring at first.
> DOS is a single-user system with no security, so it doesn't need to
> distinguish standard and root prompts.

Again I think you missed my point. Or you read more into it than I gave.
I was not confused by the unix prompts. I understood the difference
between root and normal user.  Rather I liked the appearance of the
Windows-style prompt simply because I was used to it.

Now I prefer the bash prompt and I greatly value the different root
prompt character.

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