I have an outdoor thermometer that transmits to an indoor receiver at 433Mhz. I 
also have a 433Mhz USB serial port jig from a TI development tool. I would like 
to use the TI USB serial port to capture the temperature information. The TI 
USB port registers as a COM port that I can access with pySerial. Now the 
datasheet from the temperature probe only says that the RF frequency is 433MHz 
and that it transmits every 39 seconds. Since I don't know what protocol the 
thermometer uses or baud rate, I want to look at the rawest level of data 
collected with the USB com port and see if I can make anything out of the 
gobbledy gook coming in. Is there a way to get this kind of data from pySerial? 
I've tried scanning at different baud rates but so far I haven't captured 

Also in the advanced settings in windows device manager, there are some 
settings for Fifo buffers, and receive and transmit buffers. Can these be 
accessed in pySerial? Does pySerial override the settings for baud rate, etc in 
windows device manager or do I need to set those to match what I'm using in 


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