On Mon, Dec 5, 2016, at 14:48, Michael Torrie wrote:
> Wow. Does that actually work?  And work consistently?  How would it
> handle globs like this:
The rules are simpler than you're probably thinking of. There's actually
no relationship between globs on the left and on the right. Globs on the
left simply select the files to rename as normal, the glob pattern
doesn't inform the renaming operation.

A question mark on the right takes the character from *that character
position* in the original filename. That is, if you have "abc", "rename
ab? ?de" renames it to "ade", not "cde".

A star on the right takes all remaining characters. If you include a
dot, the "name" (everything before the last dot) and "extension" of the
file are considered separate components [so in adddition to rename *.c
*.d, renaming a.* b.* where you have a.py, a.pyc, a.pyo will work].

But if you don't include a dot, for example "rename abcde.fgh xyz*", it
will rename to xyzde.fgh .

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