On 11/25/2016 10:33 PM, qrious wrote:
Hello All, I would like to change two graphical icons related to turtle graphics using Python: a) One that shows up at the top left corner of the canvas window as in below. I believe this is coming from tk itself. https://s22.postimg.org/tkjaxmh41/image.png
That can be changed for app after creating root window and IDLE does so. See idlelib/pyshell.py (in 3.6, PyShell.py previously), after "# set application icon". Code is different for Windows and *nix/Mac.
b) The icon on the desktop as in below (in Windows): https://s13.postimg.org/n7ol0mdpz/icon.png
This is set during installation. I *presume* (but know no details) that icon file is loaded somewhat and appropriate registry setting connects app to icon file.
-- Terry Jan Reedy -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list