Héllo again,

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 9:56 PM Amirouche Boubekki <
amirouche.boube...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am working on a graphdb written Python on top of wiredtiger.
> Anyone want to share about the subject about where this could be made
> useful?

A bit of context might be helpful.

I've been working for sometime a graph database library on top wiredtiger
called AjguDB <https://github.com/amirouche/AjguDB>.

Now I am happy with the code and would like get to the next level and show
that this tool can be helpful in situation where bigger than RAM graph data
is used.

I could simply adapt networkx algorithm to my graph API but this sound
boring instead what would like to do is solve a real problem.

Do you know such problems, if possible related to wikidata or text mining.

Thanks in advance!

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