Op 16-11-16 om 09:36 schreef Steven D'Aprano:
> On Tuesday 15 November 2016 15:55, Dan Sommers wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:20:49 +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> import library
>>> SPAMIFY = False  # only affects this module, no other modules
>>> result = library.make_spam(99)
>> I must be missing something, because it seems too obvious:
> [snip]
> I wouldn't say "obvious" so much as "complex".
> A factory function or a class that holds state for a local make_spam() 
> callable 
> would be a possible solution, but it significantly increases the complexity, 
> especially for the simple case:
> import library
> result = library.make_spam(arg)
> versus:
> import library
> make_spam = library.make_library()
> result = make_spam(arg)
> What a drag.

What about how the random module solves this?

The random module provides a factory class: Random.

It also provides functions which are methods of a
hidden instantiation.

Antoon Pardon.


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