Try something like:

class ludzik:
    # Define an __init__ method that gets called when
    # you instantiate the class.  Notice also that I've
    # allowed you to set x, and y parameters if you like.
    # If you don't pass them they default to 1 and 2 as
    # in your example.
    def __init__(self, x=1, y=2)
        # Create 3 attributes (x, y, a).  Note that I changed
        # your attribute named 'l' to 'a' because it conflicts
        # with your method named 'l'.

    def l(self):
        # Class attributes are referred to by self.<attributename>
        print "In ludzik.l a=',self.a

    def ala(self):
        print "In ludzik.ala x=",self.x
        print "In ludzik.ala y=",self.y
        # To refer to one of my own methods you use self.<methodname>

wierus wrote:
> Hello, i have a problem. I write my first class in python so i'm not a
> experience user.  I want to call a function in another function, i tried to
> do it in many ways, but i always failed:(
> I supposed it's sth very simple but i can't figure what it is:
> ==================================
> class ludzik:
>  x=1
>  y=2
>  l=0
>  def l(self):
>   ludzik.l=ludzik.x+ludzik.y
>   print ludzik.l
>  def ala(self):
>   print ludzik.x
>   print ludzik.y
>   ludzik.l()
> z=ludzik()
> z.ala()
> ====================================
> 1
> 2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 17, in ?
>     z.ala()
>   File "", line 14, in ala
>     ludzik.l()
> TypeError: unbound method l() must be called with ludzik instance as
> first argument (got nothing instead)
> i would be gratefull for resolving this problem for me....

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