On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 4:30:00 AM UTC-4, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thursday 03 November 2016 17:56, arthurhavli...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I would propose this syntax. (TODO: find appropriate keywords I guess):
> > 
> > lst.map x: x*5
> > lst.filter x: x%3 == 1
> I think the chances of Guido accepting new syntax for something as trivial as 
> this with three existing solutions is absolutely zero.
> I think the chances of Guido accepting new list/dict methods for in place map 
> and/or filter is a tiny bit higher than zero.

To my eyes, this proposed syntax is completely foreign. "lst.map" looks
like attribute or method access on lst, but there's no operation on the
result, or function call.  They implicitly assign back to lst, with no
recognizable syntax to indicate that they do (= or "as" is the usual

While mapping and filtering are common operations, I'm not sure mapping
and filtering and then reassigning back to the original sequence is
especially common.  It's certainly not common enough to deserve completely
new syntax when the existing methods already exist.

Part of the problem here is that you value explicitness, but also are
trying to reduce redundancy.  When you say that lst occurs twice in
your examples, what I see is that it occurs twice because it's being
used for two different things: it is the source of the data, and it is
also the target for the result. I think it is good to have it appear
twice in this case, especially since there's no reason to think it will
usually be used for both purposes.  How do I do exactly the same data
manipulation, but then assign it to lst2 because I belatedly realized
I wanted both the before and after list?  Under your proposed syntax,
I would have to completely rewrite the line to use a different filtering
mechanism because now I need to unbundle the filtering and the assignment.
That seems unfortunate.

You've done the right thing by bringing the proposal here.  I think it
is useful to see how people approach the language, and where they want
changes.  Discussing the pros and cons is a good way to get a deeper
appreciation both for the language and the rationale for its design.
But I don't think this proposal has a chance of moving forward.


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