On 27/10/2016 11:07, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 10/26/2016 9:12 PM, BartC wrote:
On 27/10/2016 00:30, Terry Reedy wrote:
So how does your tkinter example work in such a server?
Without X-windows available, there would be no point, and it will not
work. I presume including the X window subsystem on a linux (server)
build is optional.
Compiling _tkinter.c is optional and many (most?) Linux distributions
put tkinter.py, idlelib/*.py, and turtle.py in a separate package.
I tried your example. It sort of worked but was a bit temperamental when
pressing Rshift.
But I also tried it in a virtual Ubuntu which said that tkinter was not
And I tried it on Debian on a raspberry pi without X-windows running,
and there it also failed even though it didn't use a window.
So even with a supposedly standard library such as tkinter, relying on
it can give problems. (Apart from to switch between between Tkinter and
tkinter depending on Python version.)