On 10/06/2016 07:48 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> If that had been your original plan, it's dead simple to enhance it to
> use per-user module names. Just do this same work, but substitute a
> different module name right at the beginning! Other
> extremely-high-level interface functions are similar. You should have
> no trouble making this embed work; and then it's just a matter of
> figuring out the bridge code between that and the rest of the VM.

I still don't understand why this has to be in the same process space as
the VM.  Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to create a simple RPC layer (all
localhost of course) to interface between the VM and a Python server
that spins up multiple processes or sessions?  Kind of like how Python
for a web server would work.  If a request comes in-band from the client
to the VM that necessitates handing off to Python, the RPC layer would
do this.

Just trying to think architecturally here.

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