On Wednesday, 5 October 2016 11:47:17 UTC+5:30, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
> Chris Angelico wrote:
> > Seriously though... this ties in with the other issues about *purely*
> > functional languages being rather impractical, and the purity
> > generally being sullied some by things like monads (which I still
> > don't understand, despite the explanations in another thread).
> If you'd like to understand better, I could put together
> an example that illustrates the basic idea behind monads
> using Python. It's really not that hard; it only seems
> hard because it's traditionally presented in a very
> abstract and mathematical way.

That will be very helpful.
I am preparing material for an Algorithms and Data Structures course using
Python. I would like to demonstrate paradigm shifts in models of computation.
Earlier I had thought of using Haskell together with Python for some of this,
but it Would be great to stay within the Python world if I could cover the key 
computational monadic ideas without the rest of Haskell.


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