>One problem with using very similar syntax for distinct languages is that it 
>can get confusing.

The first inspiration for Fython was to be close to Fortran, while improving 
the syntax. The project is in the early days, so all suggestions are welcome.
Some difference to the Python language are inevitable though, as Fython is a 
compiled language.

>does an actual Fortran compiler need to be invoked? 

Yes, this is done in the background.

>And do you need to install one, or is it all included?

A Fortran compiler must be avalaible on the machine.
A free often used compiler is gfortran.

>If so, at what point in the above example is it invoked? 
>Is it every time you run that Python code, or will the load() used a cached 
>copy of the compiled mean.fy? 

The compiler is invoked whenever the Fython sources are new or have changed.
A cached copy is used to avoid unnessecary compilation.

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