On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Bob Martin <bob.mar...@excite.com> wrote:
> in 765690 20160930 181552 Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>>Lawrence D'Oliveiro is banned from Python List until the new year.
>>If his posts show up somewhere else (e.g. Usenet), please ignore them.  If 
>>you must respond to him p
>>lease trim out his text so the rest of us don't have to deal with him.
>>Python List Moderators
> Why can't you block "PEDOFILO"?
I've no idea who you're talking about, so my guess is that those posts
already aren't making the leap to the mailing list. The newsgroup
isn't under the same governance, so if you're reading netnews, you
have to manually killfile people.

"Excellent. What is a killfile?"

"Uh. It's a list of usernames/topics/news items etc that you wish the
news- reader to automatically skip so you don't have to wade through

"Uh No. Remember I said pertaining to Operations. A killfile is in fact
a file with a list of names of people you are going to have killed."

"Oh. Of course."
-- The BSMFH, formerly and subsequently known as the BOFH


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