Mateusz ?oskot wrote:
> I'd like to ask some scientists or students
> which GUI toolkit they would recommend
> to develop scientific prototypes (for education and
> testing some theories).
> I think such toolkit should fill a bit different
> needs and requirements:
> - very simple to learn
> - easy to install
> - beautyfiers and advanced features are not required like OpenGL,
> direct access to Windows GDI subsystem, beauty look and skinning
> - multiplatform required

First, have a look at:
- wxWidgets (
- wxPython (

Or, as a second choice:
- FLTK (
- PyFLTK (

There are many others GUI toolkit around. Just search Google for
"multiplatform Python GUI toolkit" or something like that.
> Let's say someone has big amount of algorithms and
> statistical models implemented in Pascal
> (not well designed console apps).
> Now he want to move on using better and modern language
> and GUI toolkit.
> Python is seleceted as user friendly and simple
> language, Pascal successor.

There was a python to pascal automatic converter at:

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Alessandro Bottoni

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