On 2016-09-12, jmp <jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote:
> On 09/11/2016 02:12 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 7:27 PM, Joaquin Alzola
>> <joaquin.alz...@lebara.com> wrote:
>>>> I have worked places where they put stuff like this at the bottom of 
>>>> emails sent to the person sitting next to them :) -raising entropy-ly yrs- 
>>>> Robin Becker
>>> Cannot do anything about it. It is not on my MTA client and it is added by 
>>> the company server :(
> [snip]
>> Tell your bosses how stupid it makes the company look.
>> ChrisA
> That could get someone into troubles.

Well, you need to be a bit diplomatic about it:

  "Just FYI, people have told me that they think our boilerplate
   disclaimer makes it seem that the company is naive and lacks an
   understanding of how the Internet works and the legalities

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Is something VIOLENT
                                  at               going to happen to a
                              gmail.com            GARBAGE CAN?


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