On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 1:12 AM, Alexander N. Moibenko <moibe...@fnal.gov> wrote:
> Yes this Linux Red Hat 6.
> [enstore@dmsen02 enstore-log]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
> Scientific Linux Fermi release 6.5 (Ramsey)
> Please note that the same set of modules buils with python 2.6.3 and fails
> with python 2.7.... ( I mean any pyhon 2.7 release).

I still don't think the compiler warnings have anything to do with
this. After you run 'make' and it fails at the ld step, can you rerun
make and post the output, please? It should skip all the compilation
and go straight to the link stage, so (a) it should be a manageable
amount of text, and (b) it most likely won't say anything about


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