On 05Sep2016 10:09, Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
Quivis wrote:
2. You want to sort them according to red houses, blue houses, green trees, yellow trees (that's autumn leaves), cats, dogs, children, elderly people,
But... but... what if you have a picture of a child
playing with a dog that's chasing an elderly cat up a
yellow tree in front of a blue house? What category do
you put it in?

The algorithm has been insufficiently specified!
Yeah. Sounds like he wants a tool that lets him associate tags with images.  
Then he can tag all the photos with all the relevant attributes, then write his 
own classifier/sorted later by examining the tags.
I also suspect the OP is using the word "sort" to mean "classify" (eg "what 
sort of thing is this?") versus is more common programming meaning of 
"ordering".  Would be good to clarify that.
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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