On Aug 31, 2016, at 9:02 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 August 2016 at 13:49, Cem Karan <cfkar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Has anyone else found this to be the case? Is there any "make replacement" 
>>> out there that focuses more on named sets of actions (maybe with 
>>> prerequisite/successor type interdependencies), and less on building file 
>>> dependency graphs?
>> Maybe Ninja (https://ninja-build.org/)?  I personally like it because of how 
>> simple it is, and the fact that it doesn't use leading tabs the way that 
>> make does.  It is intended to be the assembler for higher-level build 
>> systems which are more like compilers.  I personally use it as a make 
>> replacement because it does what I tell it to do, and nothing else.  It may 
>> fit what you're after.
> It still seems focused on the file dependency graph (at least, from a
> quick look).
> I'm thinking more of the makefile pattern
> myproj.whl:
>    pip wheel .
> ve: build
>    virtualenv ve
>    ve/bin/python -m pip install ./*.whl
> test: ve
>    push ve
>    bin/python -m py.test
>    popd
> clean:
>    rm -rf ve
> Basically, a couple of "subcommands", one of which has 2 prerequisites
> that are run if needed. Little more in practice than 2 shell scripts
> with a bit of "if this is already done, skip" logic.
> Most makefiles I encounter or write are of this form, and make
> essentially no use of dependency rules or anything more complex than
> "does the target already exist" checks. Make would be fine for this
> except for the annoying "must use tabs" rule, and the need to rely on
> shell (= non-portable, generally unavailable on Windows) constructs
> for any non-trivial logic.
> In the days when make was invented, not compiling a source file whose
> object file was up to date was a worthwhile time saving. Now I'm more
> likely to just do "cc -c *.c" and not worry about it.

OK, I see what you're doing, and you're right, Ninja could be forced to do what 
you want, but it isn't the tool that you need.  

Cem Karan

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