I do note that the setdefaulttimeout is accomplishing something in my full program.
I am testing some error handling in the code at the moment, and am raising an exception to make the code go into the "except" blocks... The part that sends an error email notice bombed due to socket timeout. (well, until I raised the timeout to 3 seconds...) The last time I asked about this topic in the newsgroups...was a while back (like 2 or so years) and someone said that because the socket function that I'm trying to use is coded in C, rather than Python, that I could not use the timeoutsocket module (which was the only way prior to Python 2.3 to set timeouts on sockets). I wonder...is it possible this applies to the particular timeouts I'm trying to enforce on the "gethostbyname" DNS lookups? Insights appreciated.... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list