Lawrence D’Oliveiro <> writes:

> So really, you should write it more like
>     s = """this string continues
> on the next line."""
> which gets a bit ugly.

For this I have the following treatment

    import textwrap

    s = textwrap.dedent("""\
        this string continues
        on the next line.

> So I propose adapting this convention to triply-quoted strings, as
> follows: lines where the string literal continues must begin with the
> *same* initial whitespace as the line where the string started. This
> initial whitespace is stripped off before including the rest as part
> of the string.

Fortunately, the time machine has provided that in the standard library
so you can choose to use it, even without waiting for a convention :-)

 \           “Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future.” |
  `\                                                       —Niels Bohr |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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