On 12/08/2016 12:55, BartC wrote:
On 12/08/2016 12:07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

The first time I ever compiled a full-sized application (not a particular
large one either, it was a text editor a little more featureful than
Notepad) it took something like nine hours to compile on a Mac SE
(this was
circa 1990).

That is completely crazy even for 1990.

(So crazy that you must either have added a couple of zeros or there's something unusual you haven't mentioned (maybe the SE was emulating another machine and that emulator was interpreted - badly. Or the files were at the other end of a 300baud connection.)

A build time of nine hours means 3 lines per second for a 100Kloc app, and 30 lps for a 1Mloc app.)



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