On Tue, 9 Aug 2016 08:56 pm, ber...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello.
> My python script should run on Linux, Win and MacOS, but I can't find a
> way to have logging.conf configuration that works out of the box accross
> all these OSes.
> I don't want my users to have to edit configuration files manually.
> If I use a "linux-like" handler configuration such as below it fails on
> Windows when the script is run from a directory from which the user has no
> write access (ie any subfolder or C:\Program Files, that is the default
> install location)
> [handler_file]
> class=handlers.RotatingFileHandler
> args=('scribusGenerator.log','a','maxBytes=1000','backupCount=1')

That will fail on Linux too, if the current working directory is somewhere
that the user doesn't have write permission.

The *right* way to do this is:

- allow the user to optionally specify a log file location;

- if they don't, set a sensible default according to the platform, e.g.:

# untested
    'nt': '...',
    'linux': '...',
    'macos': '...',
location = DEFAULTS.get(sys.platform, 'somewhere else')

Read the docs for the list of possible values for sys.platform.

Generally, for system tools, you should write to a system-wide location. On
Linux, that might be /var/log/FILENAME. But that's not generally writable
by unprivileged users, so you might want to log directly in the user's home


which ought to do the right thing on Windows, POSIX systems (including Linux
and OS X).

“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


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