On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 3:32:11 AM UTC+12, Ganesh Pal wrote:

> is it a good programming practice to use  import * ?

No. Think of the module you’re importing as a can, and each of the names it 
defines as a worm. So you when you do “from «module» import *”, it’s like 
emptying all the worms in the can onto the floor, and letting them crawl all 
over your program, polluting your global namespace.

Now imagine you change your mind, and want to get all the worms back into the 
can, because people reading your program (yourself included) cannot be sure 
where each name is coming from.

Not a pleasant process. So the wise programmer avoids getting into this 

Yes, it can be annoying to have to write module names over and over. Python 
lets you use alternative names, e.g.

    import long_module_name as lmn

then you say “lmn.«name»” instead of “long_module_name.«name»”.

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