Time to change the subject.

On Tue, 02 Aug 2016 01:30:47 +1000
Gordon Levi <gordon@address.invalid> wrote:
> "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <da...@vex.net> wrote:
> ><gordon@address.invalid>: Host or domain name not found. Name service
> >error for name=address.invalid type=AAAA: Host not found
> >
> >So I have to examine every address I reply to or deal with the bounce
> >message later.  Way to move your spam problem to someone else.  
> .invalid is specified in RFC 2606 for exactly that purpose. If you
> don't notice that the address is invalid a server very close to you,

Sure so either I have to stop and examine the address or else deal with
the bounce from my SMTP server.  Isn't that what I said?

> probably your SMTP server, will tell you. In contrast, your valid
> email address will become the target of many spam emails even if you
> manage to block them. It will also be used as the source of spam so
> somebody at vex.net may be fooled into believing that they are
> receiving a proper email.

I'm a little insulted that you think that I would ever allow someone to
send mail to Vex.Net pretending to be from Vex.Net.  That's just too
easy to detect and block.  Try it.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain
System Administrator, Vex.Net
http://www.Vex.Net/ IM:da...@vex.net
VoIP: sip:da...@vex.net

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