Peter Hansen wrote:
 > Probably, but I haven't yet seen anyone ask the real important question.
 >  What possible use could you have for more than 1000 *simultaneously
 > active* threads?  There are very likely several alternative approaches
 > that will fit your use case and have better characteristics (e.g. higher
 > performance, simpler code, safer architecture, etc).

Threading systems have come a long way in the last decade or so,
and they're still advancing. 64-bit, multi-core processors make
mega-threading even more attractive.

To read why zillions of threads are good, see:

For an example of a high-performance server that uses massive
threading, I'd nominate MySQL.

Prediction: Ten years from now, someone will ask that same
"What possible use..." question, except the number of threads
will be a million.


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