Also, it depends on what you're trying to do.  GUI, Web, Service-type apps, etc.

I have started using Stan's Python Editor ( because I like the
general features it offers.  It does require wxpython to run, though.  I've also
used Boa Constructor and DrPython - both pretty good environments.  I believe
that they are both dependent on wxpython as well.

Some people like Eric - now available for XP using PyQt under the Qt GPL'd
version.  I had a little trouble with it running correctly - probably due to a
config issue on my part.  I will admit to not spending a lot of time with it,

If you don't need the GUI IDE, there are a whole bunch of options available.
More than I'm able to delve into properly.

Best answer is to play around a little with the different IDE's and find the one
that works for your coding style.  Also, check the archives for this group. This
topic has come up quite a bit recently.


Simon Brunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 8/12/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any recommendations on a editior/IDE for programming in python?

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