Daniel Schüle wrote: > I just tried the same code at home and it worked fine > it has to do with windows .. some settings or whatever > (python 2.4.1 installed on both) > > maybe someone have experienced the same problem > and had more luck in solving the puzzle
First of all: "Windows" is a whole family of OSes, and not all members have any blood relations. The NT family is probably more related to VMS than to MS DOS. Secondly: There is an association mechanism (I don't have access to Windows at work, but you can find it in some Explorer menu) where you define what the OS does when you try to fire off a file with a certain extension. That mechanism defines if and how the OS passes command line arguments. It might we work better if you run "python x.py y z" instead of just "x.py y z". This might give a hint... http://www.robvanderwoude.com/call.html -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list