Den tisdag 12 juli 2016 kl. 20:20:52 UTC+2 skrev Michael Torrie: > On 07/12/2016 11:46 AM, wrote: > > Well the algorithm start with looking up a suitable folding structure > > "close enough to the number", then it works down the folding > > structure finding the fold where the difference or sum between the > > folds closest to zero. > > > > You do the same prinicple with the remainder until zero is achieved. > > > > So our first fold can either be bigger or smaller, and it seek a > > configuration for the fold that close in max on the actual random > > number. The second fold could be a fold that depending upon our first > > fold was bigger or smaller than number either will add or subtract > > lower layers of the fold. > > > > There will come out a difference that need to be folded, the process > > is repeated until there is nothing to fold. > > > > It is basicly a search algorithm looking for suitable folding > > structures. > > Better patent it quickly then. And you will win a noble prize for math > if you could do what you say you could.
I doubt it i never got anyone before for my ideas. --