Hi I am relatively new to Python.
I am using Qt Designer to create a UI for a measurement application that I use. Everything seems to be clear but the use of globals (defined in the module that is generated using pyuic, that contains the form class). I am using qwtplot to display a running plot : void Form3::runningplot(n,plottitle,xname,x,y1name,y1,y2name,y2) { if n==1 : plotkey1=self.runningqwtPlot.insertCurve(y1name,self.runningqwtPlot.xBottom,self.runningqwtPlot.yLeft) plotkey2=self.runningqwtPlot.insertCurve(y2name,self.runningqwtPlot.xBottom,self.runningqwtPlot.yRight) self.runningqwtPlot.setTitle(plottitle) self.runningqwtPlot.setXGrid(True) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisAutoScale(self.runningqwtPlot.yLeft) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisAutoScale(self.runningqwtPlot.yRight) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisAutoScale(self.runningqwtPlot.xBottom) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisTitle(self.runningqwtPlot.yLeft,y1name) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisTitle(self.runningqwtPlot.yRight,y2name) self.runningqwtPlot.setAxisTitle(self.runningqwtPlot.xBottom,xname) self.runningqwtPlot.setCurveData(plotkey1,x,y1,n) self.runningqwtPlot.setCurveData(plotkey2,x,y2,n) self.runningqwtPlot.replot() else : self.runningqwtPlot.setCurveData(plotkey1,x,y1,n) self.runningqwtPlot.setCurveData(plotkey2,x,y2,n) self.runningqwtPlot.replot() } where the above routine is called repeatedly to display real time data. Now, plotkey1 and plotkey2 need to remain unchanged between successive invocations of setCurveData() and replot() above. I have defined these as globals (in the Form settings comment field with Python: as usual). However, when I run it, I get an error indicating that plotkey1 and plotkey2 are unknown outside. I also have a global variable named "globaldebug" that when set to True, shows some diagnostic information as different slots are called. That too fails with the same error : NameError: global name 'globaldebug' is not defined Is there a way to make a Python function "remember" the values of certain variables ? Or use fortran 95 like use module, only : varname, type of within a def ? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list