On Tuesday 28 June 2016 15:40:48 Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

> Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com>:
> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <ma...@pacujo.net> 
> >> Inside the probe, we have a powerful electrical magnet that our
> >> compass can detect from a safe distance away.
> >>
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> The compass needle shows that the probe is "frozen" and won't budge
> >> no matter how long we wait.
> >
> > I'm skeptical of this. As the ping frequency falls drastically due
> > to relativistic effects, so too does the observed current powering
> > the electromagnet, does it not?
> Actually, that would be a great question for a physicist to resolve.
> Next question: would a permanent magnet make any difference?
> I admit I changed my thought experiment at the last minute to use a
> magnet instead of a charge because I could more realistically imagine
> a powerful magnet and a simple detector. That may have been a mistake.
> A charge, however, would do the "floating" I presume. It's difficult
> to find a straight answer online. The topic of a charge falling into a
> black hole is addressed from one angle at:
>    <URL: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1971PASP...83..633R>
> This is from an answer by a guy who says he's got a PhD in general
> relativity:
>    there's no problem with information falling IN to a black hole,
> which is allowed to externally display it's mass, charge, angular
> momentum and linear momentum, all of which get inprinted on the
> horizon as matter falls in
>    <URL:
> http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/6432/gravitational-r
> edshift-of-virtual-photons>
> Again, I'd like a physicist to give a straight answer.
> Marko

I am not a physicist, but consider this:

At the event horizon, which is that point where the mass of the probe has 
become very near infinite because it is moving very very close to the 
speed of light, time also becomes stretched by the same effect, so that 
in the probe as it falls thru the event horizon, time is so stretched 
that for the people in the probe, everything matches up and to them it 
took perhaps a microsecond to fall past the horizon.  But to an external 
observer, its entirely possible that the probe is frozen at the horizon 
because the infinite mass prevents the infall from completion for 
billions of our years. In fact, I'd say that it will eventually sink 
thru and disappear, but it will do so because the holes event horizon 
will grow as it absorbs the mass of other things its pulling in, 
placeing the probe inside the horizon without the probe moving inward.

Somewhere in all that math that breaks down inside the event horizon, is 
probably the reason that well fed black holes are also ejecting matter 
from their rotational axis, surplus because the event horizon is also 
subject to the infinite limitation, and because its "stuck" the surplus 
matter over and above that which creates the event horizon, is ejected 
from the poles of its spin axis.  We have millions of examples of that 
in the visible universe.  Just be glad as can be that we don't have one 
for a neighbor that could point one of those beams at earth from 10 ly 
away.  Instant planet wide sterilization.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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