On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 7:16:03 PM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
> Rustom Mody :
> > I am reminded of an argument I once had with a colleague about
> > infinite, lazy data-structures
> >
> > I said that for the Haskell list [0..]
> >
> > [0..] ++ [-1] == [0..]
> [...]
> > He said (in effect) yes that -1 would not be detectable but its still
> > there!
> Georg Cantor would probably be with your colleague, but then, Georg
> Cantor was not a scientist.

I'm mystified

Earlier (I thought) you were on the Platonist = {Cantor, Hilbert...} side
Now you sound like you are on the constructivist = {Kronecker, Brouwer } side

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