On Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 7:41:17 PM UTC-7, Michael Torrie wrote:
> If GTK+ had first-class support on Windows and Mac, including native
> themes and seamless UI integration (file and print dialogs), I'd say
> GTK+ would be the only game in town for Python programmers.
> Unfortunately, unless you're only concerned with Linux, GTK+ is probably
> not going to be your choice.

Although I work almost exclusively in Linux, I've been teaching Python for 
several years as a sideline, and my students usually do not use Linux.  I 
insist on teaching my students Python 3.  Unless they're professionals who must 
work with legacy code (and, so far, none of them have been), I think I would be 
doing them a disservice to teach them Python 2.

I started with WxPython, but WxPython/Phoenix has been very slow to migrate to 
Python 3.  

Between the Py3 requirement and the need to work with all major OS's, I decided 
to learn PyQt and not GTK+.  

In my current day job, I'm developing an application on a Linux box, but I'll 
be handing it off to Windows users.  My choice of PyQt turned out to be the 
right one in that situation as well.

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