On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 2:59 AM, Joe Gulizia <jrguli...@scola.org> wrote:
> Potentially Off Topic

Not at all off topic! A very reasonable question.

> I am looking for python programming related blogs, papers, videos in Swahili, 
> Tagalog, Somali, Javanese (Indonesian?), Lithuanian, Pashto, Bulgarian, 
> Farsi, Amharic, Georgian, Kazakh, and Tamil. Although blogs are not online I 
> am looking for material that is not easily and freely available via the Web 
> (or requires a subscription).  I found the Python in languages other than 
> English lists....Would those be the best places to start?

Here's a good start:


The Python wiki tries to maintain a list of these kinds of things.


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