On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Lawrence D’Oliveiro
<lawrenced...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 11:07:23 AM UTC+12, Michael Torrie wrote:
>> On 06/17/2016 05:52 PM, Chris via Python-list wrote:
>>> Any suggestions for a good open source text editor for the Mac out
>>> there?  For now, I am going to stick with vim.
>> Good choice.
> The trouble with vim/vi/whatever, is that it doesn’t work like any other 
> editor on Earth.
> Pull up any old GUI-based editor you like, for example Windows (shudder) 
> Notepad. If there are N characters in your file, then the insertion point can 
> be placed at N + 1 positions: in-between two adjacent characters, or before 
> the first character, or after the last character. And this makes sense: 
> anything you type is inserted at the insertion point. All rational text 
> editors (and word processors) work this way.
> But not vi/vim. It only lets you place your cursor *on* a character, not 
> *in-between* characters. That’s why you need two separate insertion commands, 
> insert-before and insert-after. And one of those has the interesting side 
> effect where, if you exit insertion mode without inserting anything, it 
> doesn’t put you back in the same position as before. Why?
> As to why you need insertion commands at all, that’s another thing...
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I personally love vim.  But its clearly an acquired taste.  When you
get good at it its pretty amazing -- and no mouse.  The other thing
about vim is that it is on every linux system, so you don't have to
load your editor if you are ssh-ing to some machine

Joel Goldstick

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