>thanks I will look at them. As an example for your guide:
##log_handler### import sys import logging import logging.handlers from configfile_read import * def LogHandler(logger): CONFIG_FILE = ('./conf/' + 'config.ini') config = configfile(CONFIG_FILE) FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(name)s %(levelname)s-%(levelno)s %(message)s' LOG_LEVEL = config.get("logging","Logging_Level") LOG_FILE = config.get("logging","Logging_File") LOG_DIRECTORY = config.get("logging","Logging_Directory") LOG_BYTES = config.get("logging","Logging_bytes") LOG_COUNT = config.get("logging","Logging_count") LEVEL = logging.getLevelName(LOG_LEVEL) logger.setLevel(LEVEL) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_DIRECTORY + LOG_FILE,maxBytes=int(LOG_BYTES),backupCount=int(LOG_COUNT)) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(FORMAT)) return handler On each part of your code start a logger: logger = logging.getLogger('__main__.' + __name__) And in the main part: from log_handler import * #Logging Config Starts logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(LogHandler(logger)) #Logging Config Ends ####Config_parser where log parameters are taken#### import configparser import os, sys import logging import logging.handlers from log_handler import * logger = logging.getLogger('__main__.' + __name__) class configfile: def __init__(self,CONFIG_FILE): self.CONFIG_FILE = CONFIG_FILE if not os.path.isfile(self.CONFIG_FILE): logger.critical('File NOT found: %s' % CONFIG_FILE + '. This file is needed for the system to work') sys.exit() def get(self,general,parameter): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(self.CONFIG_FILE) try: result = config.get(general,parameter) except configparser.NoSectionError as e: logger.critical('File %s is there but need information inside: %s'%(self.CONFIG_FILE,e)) sys.exit() logger.debug('Parameters pass to configparser-->' + general + ':' + parameter + ' with result-->' + result) return result testbedocg:/usr/local/statistics_server/conf # more config.ini [config] Host= Port=12346 [logging] #Possbile Values: CRITICAL ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG NOTSET Logging_Level=DEBUG Logging_File=server_log.log Logging_Directory=./logs/ Logging_bytes=2097152 Logging_count=5 This email is confidential and may be subject to privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or disclose its content but contact the sender immediately upon receipt. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list