Hi, I'm just learning Python....thanks in advance... Do you get out of this loop?
Problem: When I type 'exit' (no quotes) the program doesn't quit the loop...it actually attemps to find entries that containt the 'exit' string. Desired behavior: when I type 'exit' the program should quit. def search(): searchWhat = "" while searchWhat != 'exit': searchWhat = "%%%s%%" % raw_input ('Search for : ') cursor.execute("select * from TABLE where FIELD like %s", (searchWhat)) result = cursor.fetchall() print '+------------------------------------------------------------------+' print '| # | Name | LastName |' print '+------------------------------------------------------------------+' for record in result: print ' ', record[0], ' : ', record[1], ' ==> ', record[2] print '+------------------------------------------------------------------+' #end for statement, end of search --------------= Posted using GrabIt =---------------- ------= Binary Usenet downloading made easy =--------- -= Get GrabIt for free from http://www.shemes.com/ =- -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list