On 2005-08-11, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> <URL:news:comp.lang.python> is a URL to a Usenet newsgroup, as
>> evidenced by the 'news:' schema part. If your web browser is
>> configured properly to invoke a newsreader (such as Thunderbird) for
>> 'news:' URLs, your newsrreader will then attempt to get the
>> comp.lang.newsgroup from your default NNTP server.
> footnote: if you have no such server, things won't work.
> for an excellent way to read the python mailing list via a news-
> reader even if you don't have access to a "real" NNTP server,
> see http://gmane.org/

Using an NNTP gateway to a mailing list that's gatewayed to a
Usenet group.  That's about like running Cygwin under Windows
under Linux:  there are valid reasons to do it, but it always
feels surreal.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My Aunt MAUREEN was
                                  at               a military advisor to IKE &
                               visi.com            TINA TURNER!!

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