On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 8:22 PM, thomas povtal.org <tho...@povtal.org> wrote:
>  Please excuse me if this is not the right place, but I have some issues
>    with CPython on a NUMA machine.
>    We're using gevent and I'm suspecting some "threading" could cause this,
>    as I'm able to replicate it locally with the same data.

Perfectly good place to ask. Since you can replicate the problem, can
you post the code that will trigger this? There are a few
possibilities. I've once (not "once in a <time period>", once) seen a
Python installation with corruption in a .pyc file, which resulted in
really bizarre errors; but more likely, it's something that can be
shown on multiple systems.

It's definitely possible that threading can (a) introduce errors, or
(b) move errors around and make them less obvious. Try to cut your
example down as much as it can, but it wouldn't surprise me if
threading remains in it.


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