On 2016-05-16, jmp <jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote:

> Have you considered upgrading the device with a recent CPU ? Or is it 
> completely out of the picture ?
Not an option.  We have to continue to support devices that are in the
field.  The newer models that are coming out now run at 133MHz instead
of 44MHz, and page load times for https still aren't much better.

> That being said, your first idea seems also a good lead, have your 
> server refuse more than one connection.

Just got to figure out how to try it out without wasting a lot of time
reverse-engineering the web server.  Hence a Python prototype. :)

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Gee, I feel kind of
                                  at               LIGHT in the head now,
                              gmail.com            knowing I can't make my
                                                   satellite dish PAYMENTS!


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