On 5/10/2016 3:34 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 5/10/2016 9:51 AM, Claudiu Popa wrote:

Thank you for letting us know. While pylint is indeed
opinionated in some cases, we're not trying to be
"arrogant", as you put it, towards Guido or the other core
developers. What's sad in this particular case is that the
feedback had to come in rather a harsh manner, on this group,
instead of being reported as a bug or an enhancement on pylint's
bug tracker.

My impression is that the objection to 'bad builtin' was communicated
somehow to someone involved with PyLint  at least a year ago and ignored
or outright rejected.  But I don't remember details.  I might be
mistaken or have been given false information.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I agree with your opinion
regarding that message and as such, it is removed and won't be
emitted anymore in the next release (1.6)

Then my harsh comment re pylint is not currently valid.  Thank you.

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