On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 11:12:47 PM UTC+5:30, sohca...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 3:15:45 AM UTC-7, hariram...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 10:50:47 AM UTC+5:30, hariram...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > is there anyway (IDE/package) that allows me to create graphics/game just 
> > > like that (by instructing..., if i say create hills on the screen, it 
> > > should generate pygame code....)....Anyway :) :)
> > 
> > Atleast i tried with pyglet,felt that it will be easier than pygame..... 
> > still again throwing me error some GL is missed, why they wont be straight 
> > forward in working if we select the env we have...
> > 
> > some sites says 2.7 and >=3(3.4+) will have pip module by default, but i am 
> > using 3.4.3 where i dont have pip and also tried python get-pip.py which 
> > also not worked......
> "still again throwing me error some GL is missed"
> Can you say *EXACTLY* what the error is?  And can you copy/paste the relevant 
> lines of code that lead to that error?
> Also, judging from your other messages, it looks like you might be needing to 
> read the Python or PyGame tutorials.  Programming is problem solving.  You 
> can't just saying "Draw a hill" and PyGame (or whatever module you're using) 
> will draw a hill.  You need to write code that describes how to draw a hill.

yeah coding is a problem solving as you said, its right but i have asked any 
utility is there for easy design in the same fashion....

okay can you answser my question, using python modules (pygame/pyglet whatever 
it may be) can we design games with higher graphics (like world of tanks, 
freedom fighter, mission impossible:rouge nation, contract killer etc....)

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