Jussi Piitulainen <jussi.piitulai...@helsinki.fi> writes:

> Cai Gengyang writes:
>> I am trying to understand the boolean operator "and" in Python. It is
>> supposed to return "True" when the expression on both sides of "and"
>> are true
>> For instance,
>> 1 < 3 and 10 < 20 is True --- (because both statements are true)
> Yes.
>> 1 < 5 and 5 > 12 is False --- (because both statements are false)
> No :)
>> bool_one = False and False --- This should give False because none
>> of the statements are False
>> bool_two = True and False --- This should give False because only 1
>> statement is True
>> bool_three = False and True --- This should give False because only
>> 1 statement is True
> Yes.
>> bool_five = True and True --- This should give True because only 1
>> statement is True
> No :)
>> Am I correct ?
> Somewhat.
Just an observation on the language...  Change "only 1 statement" to
"only statement 1" and you get much closer to a correct explanation.


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