David Isaac wrote: > I am looking for a pure Python secure ftp solution. > Does it exist? Do you want SFTP or FTP/S?
> I would have thought that the existence of OpenSSL > would imply "yes" but I cannot find anything. > > ftplib does not seem to provide any secure services. Indeed. If you want SFTP, just make a copy of ftplib and modify so it will use an SSL socket instead of a normal socket. After that, only some minor point may remain. > [...]I know about M2Crypto > http://sandbox.rulemaker.net/ngps/m2/ > but that requires installing SWIG and OpenSSL. > (If someone tells me they have found this trivial > under Windows, I am willing to try ... ) I guess SFTP should work on Windows as well. > I would have thought that this was a common need with > a standard Python solution, so I suspect I'm overlooking > something obvious. AFAIK you're not. I'm having a look at FTP/S right now. That's a little more complicated, but it seems doable. If I succeed, I guess I'll donate the stuff as an extension to ftplib. --eric -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list