
Thanks to everyone for providing feedback. Here's my revised code to generate a set of chess pieces.

class PieceFactory(object):

        def factory(color, piece, position):
            if piece == 'Bishop':
                return Bishop(color, position)
            if piece == 'King':
                return King(color, position)
            if piece == 'Knight':
                return Knight(color, position)
            if piece == 'Pawn':
                return Pawn(color, position)
            if piece == 'Queen':
                return Queen(color, position)
            if piece == 'Rook':
                return Rook(color, position)

raise PieceException('No valid Piece object for factory, got {}'
                                 ' instead'.format(piece))

        factory = staticmethod(factory)

def generate_set(color, pieces, positions):

    for piece, position in zip(pieces, positions):
        yield getattr(PieceFactory, 'factory')(color, piece, position)

The input values for 'pieces' and 'positions' are 16-item lists zipped together to produce a piece name and a position coordinate for the factory method. With slight modifications to the code, the factory method could also return checker pieces.

I got the factory method from here:

I do plan to incorporate a sanity test in each Piece class to validate the initial position value. Pawns have 16 specific positions. Bishop, Knight and Rook each have four specific positions. King and Queen each have two specific positions. An invalid value will raise an exception.

Finally, VARS['VARIABLE_NAME'] got change to const['variable_name']. Should smell better.


Chris R


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