On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 07:35 am, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

> The "plain text" content type is used less and less. Really it is
> reserved mostly to programmers. Even texters routinely field animated
> emojies nowadays.

Who cares about "plain text" content type? That is not the beginning or end
of what counts as text. By that ridiculously limited definition, Python
progammers have already "moved on from text", because the MIME type of .py
source code is application/x-python.

> Text, in general, might have started to decline. 


People today, especially the young, probably send more text today than in
any previous time in history. You might have heard of something
called "SMSes"? Kids today spend half their day SMSing, twitting, posting
comments on Facebook, etc. 

And the other half taking selfies. *wink*

Anyone who thinks that we're heading back to hieroglyphics simply isn't
paying attention.



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