Tito wrote:

>N.Davis wrote:
>>Functions existing in a module? Surely if "everything is an object" (OK 
>>thats Java-talk but supposedly Python will eventually follow this too) 
>>then there should be nothing in a module thats not part of a class.
>Well, all data in a Python program are objects, in the sense that they 
>have an identity on their own, and variables are only references to them.
>Why is it necessary to have all code into classes for meeting the 
>"everything is an object" panacea?
If you don't have a class how can you combine functionality with data 
and hold state - that is one of the points of a class.  Python has the 
added concept that if you don;t need this you can create functions with 
no associations - lots of languages do that but Java, Eiffel, C#, etc 
don't have that concept.  You need to make a difference between 
everything is an object and everything is a class here.  A programmer 
coming from Java/C# wouldn't think about that.

>>a static method is simply a class function that operates on the 
>>"collection of all instances" rather than a single instance.
>That is not true. A static method knows nothing about the instances of a 
>  class, unless you do it your own. Besides, it will work whether you 
>have created instances of the class or not.
>So, a static method is just a global method declared withing a class, 
>which just serves as a namespace for it.
In java, a static method is the same as a class method in Python, you 
can then use the cls param to access class attributes (that is what teh 
OP implied).  However a static method can help with namespacing.  What 
looks better :

objPublisher = get_publisher_from_local_router('bob')


objPublisher = LocalRouter.getPublisher('bob')

    IMHO, the second case makes much more sense that a floating function 
which makes things less expressive.

>>Related classes in the same file? Be careful. Doesn't anything "knowing" 
>>about anything else compromise encapsulation? Why would 
>>properly-designed classes have such a close relationship?
>Question back: why do you think having classes defined in the same file 
>compromises encapsulation? Classes don't know more about each other for 
>the fact of being written into the same file. Anyway, in Python, classes 
>know always too much from each other, don't they?, as there are no 
>access modifiers for class attributes.
If I want to change one class and replace the file on the install then I 
need to put a whole bunch of classes on - increasing the change of 
making a mistake.  Module scoping exists with globals, also you have the 
convetnion of creating classes with the name of _XXX to mean module 
level only.

>>Having back in the day worked on big real-time systems where being very 
>>strict about encapsulation was a god-send for fighting complexity, I 
>>feel unnerved by Perl and Python's laid-back OO culture of "you can do 
>>it if you feel like it but don't have to".
>Well, that is the case with whatever general-purpose programming 
>language. You have virtually an infinite number of ways to do things, 
>and most of them are not appropriate.
Some languages are more strict than others - yes you need covnentions 
but you will need more conventions in a less strict language.  The 
upside is that, if you are careful, you can leverage the added oosness 
to implement features which would be a pain in other languages.  
Enterprise systems have different objectives than a cgi script or single 
client install stuff.  It's a judgement call.

>The thing with Python is, in my opinion, that it wants to put all the 
>power in your hands to do whatever you want in the fastest way possible. 
>If I want to do something, I don't declare a class that knows how to do 
>it, then create it and invoke the right method, I just put the code to 
>do what I want to do. If, in between, I find that one class would make 
>my life easier, I declare it just in place and go on. If I find 
>repetitive tasks I can declare functions, but I won't go for a class 
>immediately. Why do you think putting code into functions is not 
>>While you could do all manner 
>>of nasty hacks in C++ I worked with people who carefully avoided this.
>Well done, but messes you can do in whatever language.
Agreed but in some languages you can cause more havoc than in others, 
look at the distinction .NET makes between managed and unmanaged code to 
get a handle on this.




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
BioInnovations Zentrum
Tatzberg 47

Tel : +49 (0)351 4173 154
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com


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