Jeff Schwab wrote:
 > I agree that you & I are probably discussing different things, but I
 > think this is exactly what the OP was seeking.  He said:
 >  > I'm working on a project to implement a simple cross-platform file
 >  > sharing protocol (using Python) that is similar to HTTP, and I
 >  > have to write a GUI for Windows and Linux.
 > Sure sounds like CIFS to me.
 >  > My question is: How do I implement a virtual partition that acts
 >  > like a real file-system and is compleatly transparent to other
 >  > programs?  Should I make a virtual file allocation table for a
 >  > FAT32 partition or simulate an NTFS? Or even further: How do I
 >  > create a junction (or a hard link) to it in "My network places" or
 >  > in "Entire Network"?
 > CIFS is the canonical way to make resources show up in Network
 > Neighborhood.  [...]

Hmmm, you have a point. Looks like he has elements of both local
file systems and networking protocols. To make his special
filesystem transparent to MS-Windows programs is an installable-
filesystem problem, which is what I was looking at.


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