Jorge Godoy wrote:
> A subtree with version numbers could solve the problem of storing
> information for old versions when a new one is added.
> With regards to 4, I'd like to see the "Topic" category in the beginning
> of the page -- this is what most people search, I guess -- and not at the
> bottom of it.

That's a good idea. Unfortunately, changing the sorting of the classifiers
will be fun. Could I ask you to submit an RFE "bug" via the link on the
pypi page?

> Also, there's a discrepancy on the amount of packages stored.  The
> categorization page says there are 679 packages.  The main page says there
> are 852.  I believe the categorization page does what I suggested and
> disregard different versions of the same software.  I think this (679) is
> the correct number.

Yep, this is related to your other comment regarding my 6th point. Also, I
don't believe packages are included in the browse if they have no

> Ah!  And an RSS feeder would be interesting, to know when there are new
> packages or when a package has been upgraded... ;-)

There's a top-level RSS feed, but not one per-package.

> I hope you see this as a constructive feedback from someone that has just
> screened the pages, getting to know it.




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