I am struggling to understand the basic principles of Python having spent many years as a pure Amateur tinkering with a variety of BASIC as you can see on my site at http://www.sigord.co.uk/ I think you will agree all such versions of Basic I have used are far easier to understand than Python. Though with my limited knowledge I accept Python may have many advantages over say Liberty Basic etc.
The problem I am finding is most of the sites claiming to help understand Python devote far too much space bragging about the wonders of Python instead of concentrating how to make sensible use of it. For example I struggle to find examples of such as below if you could please help me. If I manage to duplicate some of my efforts on my site with Python I will be happy to upload the code to my site. I will also try to upload working exec files of such also, except my previous attempts at downloading the relevant software was blocked by AVG software as risky. Gordon Liberty Basic for n = 32 to 255: print n;chr$(n) : next n REM BBC Basic FOR c = 1 TO 15 : COLOUR c PRINT "Color ";c NEXT c REM BBC Basic c = 0 FOR x = 80 TO 2000 STEP 96 GCOL c: CIRCLE FILL x,500,50 : c = c + 1 NEXT x -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list